CE "mark is a safety certification mark, the manufacturer is considered open and enter the European market passport CE behalf of the European the unified (CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE) who posted" CE "mark products can be sold in EU member states, not required to comply with the requirements of each member, in order to achieve a free flow of goods in the EU member states within the background CE certification the - mode CE certification - mode do explain in detail a plant self-control and certification Module A, by the test institutional review Module B CE certification - applicable range: CE certified mode CE certified - Device CE certification - the inconsistent consequences CE certification costs CE certification costs, the main cause of CE certification costs may apply for development funds grants: CE certification costs understanding, select CE certification body, CE certification time, CE certification costs with product instructions, EMC and LVD specific meaning LVD Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC EMC electromagnetic compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC five, machinery CE certification costs CE certification time CE Certification scope and the Directive CE certification CE certification mark ROHS implementation of the significance of the distinction of the GS and CE CE certification test project Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Project (EMC) Safety test project (LVD) What is the RoHS Directive EU Directive accept who? CE Certification - Directive CE certification - the concept of CE certification - CE certification of origin - mode CE certification - meaning one application need for CE certification, apply for the benefits of CE certification CE certification - mark CE certification - logo size requirements CE certification mark accepted Who CE certification - Process CE certification - procedure. confirm that the exporting country. confirm the product category and the relevant EU directive. specified "EU authorized representative (EU authorized agent)" 4. recognized certification required mode (Module) mode of self-declaration or through a third-party certification body. creating technical documentation and the maintenance and update of medical devices certified background CE certification - mode CE certification - mode following do explain in detail a factory self-control and Certification Module A, by a testing agency the Assessment Module BCE Certification - applicable range: CE certification mode CE certified - Device CE certification - the inconsistent consequences CE certification costs CE certification costs, the main cause of CE certification costs may apply for pioneering grant funds: CE certification understanding of costs, select CE certification bodies, CE certification time, CE certification costs Products Directive IV, EMC and LVD specific meaning LVD Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC EMC EMC Directive 89/336/EEC five mechanical CE certificate of CE certification costs time CE certification scope and some instructions CE certification and EU Directive RoHS Directive What is the meaning of GS and CE distinction ROHS implementation of relevant CE certification test project electromagnetic compatibility testing project (EMC) safety test project ( LVD) CE certification marks the acceptance who? commencement of CE certification - the name of the command instruction number of simple pressure vessels 87/404/EEC 1992 Toy 2009/48/EC 2011 on July 20, building supplies 89 / 106/EEC 1991 27 EMC mechanical 2006/42/EC 2009 2004/108/EC 2004 December 15, 2010 December 29, 2011 Personal Protective Equipment 89/686/EEC 1995 July 1, non-automatic Weighing 90/384/EEC 1993 initiative implantable medical devices 90/385/EEC 1994 12 31 gas appliances 90/396/EEC 1995 12 31 boilers 92/42/EEC 1998 January 1 blasting 93/15/EEC 2003 General Medical Devices 93/42/EEC 1998 low-voltage electrical safety 2006/95/EC 2006 12 12 blasting environment to use 2003 June 30, water sports vessels 94/25/EC 1998 16 lifting equipment 95/16/EC July 1999, domestic refrigeration appliances equipment 94/9/EC 96/57/EC 1999 September 3 Pressure Equipment 97/23/EC 2002 May 29, communications equipment 98/13/EEC 1992 on November 6, 2010 / May 1, 1995, in vitro diagnostic medical devices 98/79/EC 2003 December 7 March radio and telecommunications terminal equipment 99/5/EC April 2000 cableway 2000/9/EC 2002 environmental noise equipment 2000/14/EC 2002 on January 30, fluorescent lamp ballasts October 8 CE certification - the concept of "CE" mark is a safety certification mark, the manufacturer is considered open and enter the European market passport CE 2000/55/EC 2000 on behalf of the the European unified mobile the picture (CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE). market in the European Union "CE" mark is a compulsory certification mark whether the EU internal production of products or the products of other countries, to free circulation in the EU markets, you must affix the "CE" mark to indicate that the product in line with the EU "technical coordination and standardization of new methods" basic requirements of instruction, which is a mandatory requirement of EU law on the products must be headquartered in the EU member states, certification bodies can issue certificates. since the late 1980s, there are a number of foreign certification bodies stationed in China CE certification - the origin of CE is an abbreviation of the French, in English means "European Conformity, the European Community, in fact, CE or European languages in many countries," EC "The phrase abbreviation of the original phrase in English EUROPEAN COMMUNITY abbreviations EC, after EC in French COMMUNATE EUROPEIA, Italian the COMUNITA EUROPEA, Portuguese COMUNIDADE EUROPEIA, Spanish COMUNIDADE EUROPE, it is to change the EC as CE. Of course, also wish the CE as CONFORMITY WITH EUROPEAN (DEMA ND) (in line with Europe (request)), constitute the European Directive core "requirements" in the European Union on May 7, 1985 (85/C136/01 need for the development and implementation of the directive purpose "requirements"), "the new method of resolution of the technical coordination and standards has a specific meaning, that is limited to the basic safety requirements of the products do not endanger the security of humans, animals and goods, rather than the general quality requirements, coordination of instruction only requires that the main requirements of the general instructions to the standard task. The product complies with the relevant instructions about major requirements, will be able to attach a CE mark, rather than ruled that the provisions of the general quality of the ability to use the CE mark in accordance with the relevant standards. Therefore, the exact meaning: CE mark is a safety inspection mark rather than quality mark. In the 1940s, Western European countries feel that, in the United States and the Soviet Union between the two powers to ensure their own safety, improve its international status, speed up economic development, must unite, thus pushing the process of European integration. European integration can be divided into five levels: the establishment of a free trade zone, customs union, unified market, economic and monetary union and political union. CE certification - mode CE certification can be said is the world's most advanced product conformity assessment model, the first to introduce the concept of modules, the assessment of the application of the CE mark by the Evaluation Module and assessment procedures by these assessments. In general, the assessment module are the following: A: self-proclaimed self-proclaimed (by the producers, and provide the product key technical information) CE certification mark B: Type tests (carried out by the European Notified Body products fully tested): Notified Body review D: Notified Body for the production of the factory for the production and its quality management system of factory inspection E: Notified Body for quality management system for traders and other middlemen review F: Notified Body for bulk products imported into the EU ashore review G: Notified Body for type testing of the product has not been imported into the EU, including the type tests in a comprehensive review of the different instructions, provisions for the composition of the assessment process which modules should do. : Low Voltage Directive (LVD), Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC) consisting of A; Gas Appliance Directive (GAD) by BC, BD, BE or BF. The following can be explained in detail: a factory self-control and the Certification Module A (internal production control) 1 for a simple, high-volume, non-hazardous products, applies only to manufacturers who wish to apply European standards. Factory self-qualified assessment, self-declaration. 3, the technical documentation submitted by national institutions save decades, based on the available assessment and inspection to determine whether the product complies with Directive, producers and even to provide product design, production and assembly process for inspection. 4, do not need to declare their production process to ensure that products meet the requirements. Module Ab 1, factory production is not made in conformity with the European standards. 2, test institutions of special parts for random testing. By the testing agency assessment Module B (EC type assessment) factory to send samples and technical documentation to its choice of testing agency for review, a certificate issued by the testing agency. NOTE: The only B is insufficient to constitute the use of the CE. Module C (with the type [sample] line) + B factory for conformance statement (certified type), the statement ten years. Module D (the production the CE certification agency process quality control) + B: This mode is concerned about the control of the production process and the final product, the factory in accordance with a method approved by the testing agency (quality system, EN29003) for production of its products based on this statement authentication type the same (consistency statement). Module E (product quality control) + B this mode is only concerned about the control of the final product (EN29003), the rest with Module D. Module F (product testing) + B factory guarantee its production process to ensure that products meet the requirements for a Declaration of Conformity. Recognized testing organization full inspection or random checks to verify the compliance of their products. Testing authority certificate. ModuleG (individually tested) factory Statement complies with Directive requirements, and testing agencies submit product technical parameters, and examine individual product testing agency awarded a certificate. Module H (comprehensive quality control) mode is concerned about the design, the control of the production process and the final product (EN29001). The rest with Module D + Module E. Which mode F + B, mode G applies to a particularly high degree of risk. CE certification - meaning a need to apply for CE certification CE certification for national products in the European market trade provides a unified technical specification to simplify trade procedures. Product of any country to enter the EU, the European Free Trade Area of the need for CE certification, to affix the CE mark on the product. CE certification is the product passes to enter the markets of the EU and EFTA countries. CE certification means that the product has reached the safety requirements of the EU directives; business-to-consumer and a commitment to increase consumer trust; affixed with a CE mark the product will reduce the risk of sales in the European market. These risks include: ● detained by Customs and investigate risk; ● investigation of risk by the market surveillance authorities; ● peer allegations risk for competitive purposes. Second, the benefits of application for CE certification ● EU laws, regulations and harmonized standards not only quantity, but the content is very complex, so to obtain the designated agency of the European Union to help is a Province of time, effort, and reduces the risk of the wise; ● get maximize access by the designated agency of the European Union's CE certification, consumer trust and market oversight bodies; ● be effective in preventing the emergence of those irresponsible allegations; ● In the case of facing litigation, designated institutions of the European Union CE certification, will be the technical evidence has the force of law; ● once punished by the EU countries, the certification body with enterprise risk, thus reducing the risk of the enterprise. CE certification - flag free circulation of commodities of the CE certification Intertek CE style is the cornerstone of the establishment of a single market mechanism is the CE mark to achieve the free movement of goods, the establishment of the mechanism to avoid new trade barriers between EU countries, mutual recognition of technical standards The coordinating top of. The principles are as follows: - Harmonization of the legal documents (EU Directive) provides the content is limited to the basic requirements of the product, in order to facilitate the free circulation of products within the EU; - EU harmonized standard contains the basic requirements of the Directive; - EU harmonized standards and other standards applicable to voluntary product can select the applicable EU harmonized standards, can also be applied to other technical specifications to meet the basic requirements of the Directive stipulates; - products meet the EU harmonized standards recognized course to meet the basic requirements of the Directive . Basic requirements for more operational, a series of EU harmonized standards drawn up by the Member States, is responsible for the country's standard with which coordinated in order to make the products specified in the instruction. And whether the harmonized standards discuss the mechanism and standard mechanism for amending the directive spirit also will be established. Due to the requirements specified in the instruction countries must comply with the mandatory requirements, these requirements should be recognized minimum program to prevent safety hazards or other hazards, the technical requirements of the commercial is different from the general trade and objective requirements for standardized . Be implemented in practice in order to make the principle of the single market, the EU further provides a reliable assessment of the product meets the basic requirements of the Directive stipulates that people commonly known as CE certification: - the introduction of product evaluation modular concept, by the Evaluation Module assessment procedures, in accordance with the assessment procedures used by the qualified assessment of the product CE mark; - the introduction of a unified EU harmonized standards, quality management system standard (EN ISO 9000 series) and the assessment of the quality assurance standard (EN45000 series); - the level in the EU between the Member States to establish mechanisms than on assessment agencies and accreditation system and assessment agencies; - original countries each array of product testing and certification in the field to establish mutual recognition mechanism; - simplify between Member States, between industry differences in quality system structure in the field (such as: measurement and calibration systems, testing laboratories, certification and inspection organization, recognized organizations); - mutual recognition agreements, cooperation and technical assistance projects to promote the Member States between Member States and the European Union Outside of the international trade between countries. The purpose of the CE mark is to provide a way to practice is indeed feasible and flexible product conformity assessment, in order to meet the trend of global economic integration under the diversity of modern industrial production. Cater to product research and development, production, circulation stage (such as: design, proofing, production), check product evaluation module is divided into technical documentation, type testing, quality assurance, assessment completed by the producer or third party, as well as in practice. Mark CE mark products in the market and put into service must meet the basic requirements of all applicable EU directives, select the appropriate product evaluation program for product evaluation qualified. All products are marked CE mark that already meet the EU directive, Member States must take active measures to ensure the free circulation in the single market, unless there is clear evidence that the product does not meet the basic requirements of applicable directives, or This product has not yet been existing Directive stipulates certain significant danger. Product affixed CE mark meaning what? The significance of the CE mark is: CE mark affixed to the product has passed the appropriate conformity assessment procedures and / or the manufacturer's declaration of conformity, in line with the EU directive stipulates that as the product is allowed to pass into the European market . Industrial products relevant instructions to affix the CE mark, CE mark may not be listed for sale, affix the CE mark to market the product, found not to meet the safety requirements, and should be ordered to withdraw from the market, the continuing violation of the instructions to the relevant provisions of the CE mark will be restricted or banned from entering the EU market or be forced to withdraw from the market. CE mark is not a mark of quality, it is a representative of the products have been in line with the European series of safety / health / environmental / health standards and instructions marked all products sold in the EU should be mandatory marked with the CE marking. --- This Source the CE Information Network 2012-05-18